Technology Enabled Energy Management Solutions
At GETCHOICE!, we empower businesses to become smarter and greener by providing innovative, technology-based energy, telecom, and utility management solutions that drive significant cost-efficiency and sustainability. Our comprehensive services include strategic procurement, utility bill payment, risk management, and advanced reporting tools, all designed to optimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact.
Over $5 billion in annual energy spend managed.
20+ years power and natural gas retail experience.
kwh and counting
10.1 Billion of bills processed and counting
Be A Price Setter, Not Price Taker! GETCHOICE! is continuously monitoring the forward markets notifying clients of opportunities in their respective markets. GETCHOICE! believes the decision to go to market should be based on the market itself and each client’s applied risk strategy, rather than just looming contract expiration.
A centralized online platform allows large, multi-site organizations to find, track, manage and analyze utility data across regulated and deregulated regions throughout North America, while at the same time, assisting clients with their sustainability and cost reduction initiatives.
Eliminate late fees, shut-off notices, and outstanding balances through the GET Bill Pay program. The program is customized around each individual client’s GL and accounting software requirements, with all data points available to view 24/7 through the GET: Smart Technology platform.
Price Certainty? Low Price? Flexibility? No matter the procurement purchasing goals, GETCHOICE! will create development a client specific risk management strategy. Once the strategy is identified, a risk charter is created and serves as the blueprint for how your GETCHOICE! team assists in managing to that appropriate amount of risk.
Budgets are essential to any business, and the GETCHOICE! team develops budgets tailored to each client’s unique reporting requirements. All budget data is entered into the GET portal allowing the client to track the budget success versus actual data.
Procurement doesn’t stop with energy, GETCHOICE! provides third-party savings for telecom services as well. Our team provides a thorough review options of each telecom solution, specializing in Telecommunication Invoice Auditing Services, Cellular Connectivity, Data Storage, LAN/WAN Solutions and Managed Services, VOIP, On- premises PBX, and much more.
Predominant use studies are necessary for businesses to be sales tax exempt on utilities used toward exempt purposes. GETCHOICE! performs the study to determine the percentage of electric and gas used, provide exempt certificates and secure refunds for clients if applicable.
GETCHOICE! assists in clients’ creation or ongoing management of sustainability goals and objectives. Choice is able to provide Energy Star reporting through the GET portal assist with Renewable Energy Credit (REC) procurement, and aiding the evaluation of both onsite and offsite renewable solutions where applicable.