
Develop Data-Driven Budgets

GETCHOICE! develops budgets tailored to each client’s unique reporting requirements. Detailed budgets are available, incorporating several variables such as utility rate or tax changes, while accurately forecasts any non-contractual open positions (electricity, basis and/or NYMEX pricing).

Each client can determine the level of reporting they need with account level detail through division or corporate summaries. Furthermore, budget data can be recorded in the GET: Smart Management Technology software portal. This allows the client the opportunity to review and contrast actual invoice data to the budgeted cost and usage.

Market Forecasting

The NYMEX Henry Hub plays a significant role influencing price for both the natural gas and electricity commodity markets. The Risk Management team at GETCHOICE! closely monitors the NYMEX forward curve; evaluating both the technical and fundamental market factors. GETCHOICE! delivers all pertinent information regarding the NYMEX forward market.

GETCHOICE! has a proven track record in identifying market behavior and mitigating risk for our clients. These forecasts are used by clients to develop accurate energy budgets, setting clear procurement objectives and protecting themselves from volatility in the market.