By: Matthew Mattingly

Alright, so we heard you loud and clear. You love the information in the Bulls & Bears report, but you don’t have time to read the full report.  You need something quick and you need something easy. That way you can get back to what you do best…your job. Which is why the analysts at Choice Energy Services have created the Weekly Market Update. A simple one page report that gives our Risk Management clients the latest fundamental information on the NYMEX natural gas market.

The Weekly Market Update provides graphical information for the following…

  1. NYMEX Candlestick Chart – Follow movement of the NYMEX natural gas prompt market over the last 30 days.
  2. EIA Storage Report – Review the year-to-date working gas storage information in comparison to the five-year average. The graph also includes a three-week forecast of the EIA storage report.
  3. Baker Hughes Rig Count Report – Track the exploratory rig counts for both natural gas and oil over the last 12 months.
  4. Temperature Forecast – See NOAA’s short term temperature forecast, 6-10 days, for the continental United States.

While it may not tell the entire story, these four items give the reader the 101 basics on the NYMEX natural gas market. Just like Cliff’s Notes (here’s a link for you millennials) got you through most of your college career, the Weekly Market Report provides enough information to keep you educated on the NYMEX market. For more explanation on any of these fundamentals, do not hesitate to reach out to any of our market analysts.

What does the mean for the Bulls & Bears report? Fans of this report don’t need to fret, as the detailed monthly report will still be provided to our Risk Management clients. While fans wait for their next monthly installment of the Bulls & Bears they are supplemented with our quick and easy Weekly Market Update. Truly a win-win for everyone!

Confidential: Choice Energy Services Retail, LP.